
Friday, January 21, 2011


So I totally don't remember having many cravings when I was pregnant with Kora (with the exceptions of the short gummy worms phase). But that is definetely different this time around. So far I can remember having cravings for dill pickles (typical), granny smith apples, Peachwave frozen yogurt, sweet-tarts (brought on by an impulse buy when out to buy a bag of ice), Kiwis (SO GOOD!), hummus and chips and salsa. And, I just sent my husband out to get me Wendy's french fries because I could just not shake the craving for them. THANKS HONEY! Love you.

I am almost 18 weeks currently...moving right along! I feel like the first half of this pregnancy has gone fairly fast, I'm sure that will change soon though. We are looking forward to our scheduled ultrasound on February 3rd which is when we will find if the baby is a girl or boy! The belly popped a few weeks ago making it necessary to pull out all the maternity clothes....some shopping is going to be necessary :)

Aww I love thee....

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