
Friday, March 2, 2012

LynnDi Design - 75 sales!

Two years ago my sister and I decided to give selling on Etsy a try. We were super excited! We both had items that we had been making and had mastered so we thought we would share with the world. I got my best friend Mandy to create our logo, we snapped photos of our items and carefully typed out the items descriptions. On February 20th 2010 we opened our shop. When I first listed a few items I thought for sure I would have someone purchase them right away...but weeks passed without any sales. I started thinking about it though and realized - would I buy an item from a shop that jsut opened and showed no (or very little amount) of sales? Nope. I would not.

So I started to wonder how it would ever get up off the ground. But I didn't give up. I pressed on making new designs and listing them. I had a few sales here and there but a lot were from people who knew me and had seen my work in person. I still remember the day that a complete stranger ordered my shoes. I was beyond excited! Just this week we hit 75 sales in our shop! That still doesn't sound like that much when you compare it to shops that have been open for a while or hit success faster than LynnDi Design did, but I am proud of our 75.

I am thrilled with where LynnDi Design is today. We have worked hard to get here. I look forward to what the future holds. I have done many custom shoe orders lately and I love that. I also love that my shoes have been worn in weddings (by the bride and by flower girls) - how amazing to be a part of peoples big day!

If you haven't visited my shop you need to check it out!

Thank you to everyone for your love, support and orders!

Here are a few shoe designs that started out as a custom order but now have becme a popular shoe design in my shop!

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